Finally, I set up my own tiny space in Internet World.

I actually started writing articles, most of which are about Film and Video Game, four years ago, but I only post them on some existing network communities like DouBan and CowLevel, you can still check out my articles in the link above (chinese version only).

I have to say that it’s much easier to share my opinions on community than build a person website, but creating things all by oneself is always more interesting and some how can motivate myself to write.

The last thing that push me to start working on this website is that I read a book named Kon’s tone, which contains several blogs on Kon Satoshi (my favorite animation director)’s Official Web Site. “Making works done is much important than quality”, is one thing that impress me most in this book, and I stopped making excuses for myself like I always do.

I’m working as an indie game developer in Candleman Game Studio based in Beijing, China. So, the main theme of the article on this website are about video games.